Soft tissue therapy is a blanket term covering a wide range of manual therapy techniques that include myofascial, muscular and neuromuscular approaches. These techniques are used to relieve pain, address injured tissues and restore functionality i.e pain free range of movement. Some examples are:

 ·      Post Isometric Relaxation (Muscle Energy Technique - PIR)

·      Reciprocal Inhibition (Muscle Energy Technique - RI)

·      Soft Tissue Release (Transverse and longitudinal)

·      Myofascial Release (MFR)

·      Trigger Point Therapy

·      Positional Release

 The main things that soft tissue therapy seeks to address are;

·      Fascial restriction

·      Shortened & hypertonic muscles

·      Weakened muscle

·      Proprioception

·      Localised ischemia (restricted fluid flow)

·      Trigger points